Update: Datacraft buys Axon-Integral
Update: Datacraft has confirmed it will acquire 100% of Integral-Axon in a deal expecteed to be completed by November 1st. Further acquisitions in the Asia Pacific region, including New Zealand, have not been ruled out. More here.
Datacraft has since released a detailed FAQ about the recently-announced merger.
Original story
Datacraft has sent out word of a press conference that's due to take place tomorrow where the company will make a major business announcement.
Well-placed industry sources told The Channel in August that Datacraft was in talks to acquire Integral-Axon and we've since heard rumours that the deal has been signed.
"You are invited to attend a 10am press conference on Wednesday, 6th October 2010, at which Datacraft will make a major business announcement," says the invite.
Rumours of Datacraft buying the then single-entity Axon first did the rounds earlier this year.