Stories by Tim Young

Reach for the low-hanging fruit: How achieving a rapid ROI is becoming a leading AI trend
Wed, 10th Jun 2020
data analytics
Focusing on returns, rather than adopting AI for its own sake, will drive the emergence of rapid AI ROI throughout the rest of 2020.

Implementing AI with the team you have - DataRobot
Wed, 24th Jul 2019
data analytics
data science
AI isn’t just for data scientists. DataRobot shows how automated machine learning can empower all employees to become citizen data scientists.

The journey towards becoming an AI-driven enterprise
Wed, 29th May 2019
digital transformation
Companies are increasingly turning to automation to bridge the skills gap and empower employees to become citizen data scientists.

Why businesses need to start implementing AI
Mon, 29th Apr 2019
data analytics
Artificial intelligence (AI) driven companies could take $1.2tn of business revenue from rivals by next year, according to a report.