2021 Open source Awards celebrate best NZ has to offer
The winners of the 2021 Open source Awards (NZOSA) have been announced today, in celebration of the open source innovation within New Zealand's arts, education, science, social services, and software industries.
The event, organised by Catalyst IT and judged by a panel including Don Christie, George Moon, Birgit Bachler, Edwin Bruce, Joy Liddicoat, Aleisha Amohia, and Tim McNamara, recognises the people and the technology that are contributing to the vibrancy and diversity of New Zealand's communities.
Catalyst IT managing director and awards judge Don Christie says, The joy of open source is the joy of sharing, learning from others and building capability that can be used anywhere by anyone.
"We've heard about project teams, developers, designers, testers and users, all of whom make sure that the phenomenal impact of open source software continues to make a profound contribution to our communities and societies.
The winners are below.
Open source Use in Business
Whakamahi Pūmanawa Herekore i te Pakihi
- Te Hiku Media and Whare Kōrero
Open source in Government
Whakamahi Pūmanawa Herekore i te Kāwanatanga
- Ministry of Health for the NZ COVID-19 Tracer application
Open source Software Project
Kaupapa Pūmanawa Herekore
- Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand Basemap Service
Open source Contributor
Kaikoha Pūmanawa Herekore
- Evonne Cheung's contributions to the Mahara project: Graphically designing an open source project
Open source in Education, Social Services and Youth
Pūmanawa Herekore i te Mātauranga, ngā Ratonga Pāpori me te Rangatahi
- NZSL Share by Deaf studies Research Unit, Victoria University of Wellington and Ackama
partnering with JR McKenzie Trust's Deaf Development Fund and MSD Office for Disability Issues
Open source use in Science
Whakamahi Pūmanawa Herekore i te Pūtaiao
- Centre for Computational Evolution for BEAST 2
Open source use in the Arts
Whakamahi Pūmanawa Herekore i Ngā Toi
- Vicki Smith and Breathe an Artist contribution to urban waterway engagement
Open source People's Choice Award
Te Kōwhiri a te Iwi
- Nicholson Consulting in partnership with Te Rourou, Vodafone Foundation Aotearoa, Centre for Social Impact and Deloitte for Thriving Rangatahi Population Explorer
Service Awards
- Adam Hyde
- Andrew Bartlett
NZOSA organisers state, "We are fortunate to have so many people here using open source technology and philosophy to deliver amazing technical, social and creative projects.
Awards sponsors included Catalyst IT, Red Hat, Silverstripe, IT Professionals NZ, Catalyst Cloud, SECTION6, Ackama, amazee.io, Internet NZ, NZOSS, and NZ Rise.