Air NZ, Fonterra, ARANZ Geo...finalists of the NZ Innovation Awards announced
The finalists of the annual New Zealand Innovation Awards have been named – and the line-up includes a range of organisations, large enterprises, and public-sector entities as well as individuals and start-ups.
Representing game-changing innovation, this year's entries include ethical corporate workwear, Te Reo Maori smartphones, quiet drones, and solar-powered cow collars.
"They all demonstrate in their own way that Kiwi innovation has come a long way with a vibrant and active innovation in the business community," says founder and chief executive of the New Zealand Innovation Council, Louise Webster.
"Since the awards began we have seen a shift away from businesses developing new products and services for the New Zealand market to a strong focus on export markets with many businesses going global from day one.
Winners will be announced on October 19.
The finalists of the 2017 New Zealand Innovation Awards include:
Innovation in Technology Solutions- Air New Zealand - Customer Innovation Programme
- ARANZ Geo - Leapfrog 3D Geological Modelling Software
- Corvecto - Virtual Reality Training Solutions
- fulcrum - The fulcrum HUB
- Moxion
- Onguard Group - Seismic Systems
- The Social Club
- Vector - Glen Innes Substation
- WaterOutlook
- Fonterra Co-operative Group - Vitamin D Measurement
- Forsite
- Halter
- High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) - Innovation Programme
- Revisia - Industrial 3D Innovation
- Soar Printing - Evolution through Innovation
- Vigilance - Financial Risk Management
- Waitemata District Health Board - Leapfrog Programme
- Crimson Education
- EdPotential
- Fulton Hogan - Virtual Reality Training
- Kami
- Linewize - Classwize
- Massey University Wellington - The Design+Democracy Project
- Osnova - Amy
- Cream
- Department of Internal Affairs - SmartStart
- FluentIQ - Test Center
- McCarthyFinch
- Simplicity
- Simply Payroll
- StockX - A Smarter Exchange
- 2degrees - Data Hunt
- AttitudeLive
- Corvecto - Virtual Reality Training Solutions
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand - Escape My House
- Fisher - Paykel Healthcare - Optiflow Junior - Therapy Growth and Product Preference
- Shuttlerock
- Spring Sheep Milk Co. - New Zealand's Gentlest Milk
- Workhere New Zealand - LookSee Wellington
- Zavy
- Hiakai
- Huawei New Zealand - Te Reo Maori Smartphone
- Metia Interactive - Takaro
- Plink Software - Tipu Te Reo Maori
- Punarau Media - Pipi Ma
- EcobagsNZ - No to Plastic Bags, yes to Compostable
- ecostore
- Green Spot Technologies
- Little Yellow Bird - Ethically Made Corporate Workwear
- Marine Flex - Elastic Mooring
- Organic Initiative (Oi)
- solarcity New Zealand - solarZero energy service
- Yealands Wine Group - Harnessing the power of the sun
- Anteater - Premium Edible Insects
- Burnsafe NZ - Disposal of Landmines - Unexploded Ordnance
- Firstcheck
- Hiakai
- Mevo - Electric Vehicles On Demand
- Moxion
- Previously Unavailable - Toothcrush
- SolarBright – DATAeye
Click here to view the complete list of finalists.