Alcatel Lucent builds new mobile team
If you know how operate a mobile network, give AlcatelLucent a call. The company that built and manages Telecom’s XT network ison the hunt for three top mobile managers, to be based at its Wellingtonheadquarters. Statements in the advertisements indicate the company is lookingto start afresh with its approach to maintaining mobile networks it has built. Alcatel Lucent spokesperson Jenna Parker says these are newlycreated roles that will work alongside the large team of experts and managers currently in the RFEngineering team.
In advertisements on the job website SEEK candidates aresought with experience in “taking personal initiative to deal with andovercoming problems, difficulties and managing diversions and not giving up.”
Manager Mobile Engineering – “We are looking for anexperienced Transformational Leader to build a new Alcatel-Lucent New Zealand,Mobile Engineering team, including people, processes, standards, competenciesand delivery to continuously raise the bar to active high levels of internaland external customer satisfaction,” reads the advertisement. Manager Capacity Management and Planning – “Become thetrusted advisor and ‘go to’ person internally and externally for all CapacityManagement and Planning practice matters.” Manager Radio Network Optimisation – this role is responsiblefor planning and executing large scale network changes. “Ensure the adequatemonitoring and management of the performance of the network performingreconfiguration work as required and reviewing this after changes are made.”