Are Kiwis getting more for their telco money?
When it comes to telecommunications Kiwi consumers are getting more for their money, according to the latest annual telecommunications monitoring report analysing the state of New Zealand’s telecommunications markets.
The report claims industry investment increased significantly from a recent low of $1.24 billion in 2010/11 to $1.58 billion in 2012/13, largely driven by the ultra-fast broadband fibre network roll-out.
Fixed broadband connections also continue to grow from 1.24 million to 1.32 million in the year to 30 June 2013 with about 85% of households now having broadband, up from 65% three years earlier.
“A trend which has become more obvious this year is that telecommunications services are delivering more to consumers for less cost," says Dr Stephen Gale, Telecommunications Commissioner.
"Spending on telecommunications services is about the same in real terms as it was 10 years ago, but consumers are getting far more – data, texts and calling minutes – for their money, particularly in the mobile market."
Fixed-line calling volumes continue to fall, while mobile calling volumes are increasing while total mobile minutes grew to 83 minutes per person per month, with fixed-line calling declining to 401 minutes per household per month.
Total retail telecommunications revenues suffered a slight fall in 2012/13 to drift back to $5.21 billion from $5.25 billion in the prior year. Data revenues continue to rise while voice related revenues continue to fall.
“We’ve also seen a steady increase in online activity by New Zealanders," adds Dr Gale.
"This demand is driving improvements in both personal and business communications as well as education, health and entertainment.
"Online services that are large and growing include internet banking, social networking, online purchasing and health services."
The report can be found at www.comcom.govt.nz/regulated-industries/telecommunications/monitoring-reports-and-studies/monitoring-reports