Azure to host worlds largest geospatial data platform, over 100 petabytes of 3D data
3D data company Euclideon has signed a partnership with Microsoft, unveiling plans to build the world's largest geospatial data platform on the Azure cloud.
This month Euclideon plans to launch its visualisation as a service (VaaS) platform, using its high-speed udStream 3D render technology, which can visualise petabytes of data within a second (the geospatial data platform will use more than 100 petabytes of 3D data), all hosted on Azure.
In 2019 the global geospatial analytics market was valued at $US 58 billion, and growth of 14.2% per year is predicted until 2027 when the market is thought to be worth more than $US 158 billion with the increased use of 3D data and IoT sourced information.
Potential applications range from business process optimisation, smart cities, to the creation of digital twins.
Some early adopters of 3D data and visualisation platforms include transport, resources, military, education, and new emerging sectors. Governments also recognise VaaS as providing an opportunity to streamline access to open data sets.
International organisations already utilising Euclideon's technology include Thales Group, Transport and Main Roads Queensland BHP Billiton, UNSW, Canada's City of Richmond, France's SNCF, and Lockheed Martin in the US.
"3D data represents the biggest big data, Euclideon works with organisations across multiple sectors to help them manage and visualise their growing 3D data collections," says Euclideon CEO, Daniel Zhang.
"This is fundamental for applications such as digital twins or smart cities, and we are developing innovative tools and services to help maximise the value that customers can reap from their data.
"Hosting in Azure ensures we have the performance, scalability, and trusted security that we and our customers need, and also positions us for rapid expansion here in Australia, and internationally. It also opens the door to multiple Azure services that will help us accelerate innovation for our customers."
Euclideon's Azure-based udCloud is an on-demand cloud-based solution for managing, distributing, and visualising large 3D datasets. And can be used in conjunction with Euclideon udStream enabling real-time web viewing tools for unlimited streamed data visualisation. It can be used on any standard desktop or laptop.
"Euclideon has established an enviable reputation at the very forefront of 3D data management and visualisation," says Microsoft Australia SMC lead, Phil Goldie.
"With Euclideon's udCloud and udStream being powered by Azure, it can offer world-leading 3D services that will accelerate innovation along with the peace of mind that comes from Azure's in-built security, privacy, and value.
"We are proud to partner with Euclideon, and also to explore opportunities for ongoing collaboration between our two organisations."