Backup or replication? Why you actually need both
While they sound alike, they're not the same.
Backup archives computer data, so the information can be restored when data loss occurs. With a proper backup process in place, you can refer back to a specific point in time and restore corrupted files accordingly.
Replication on the other hand, runs two (or more) computing resources in parallel. Data is shared constantly between two sites. Used for mission critical environments, when resources fail at one site, replicated computing assets take over seamlessly. This ensures your organisation isn't impacted by any interruptions.
Backups prevent losses from missing data. Replication prevents losses from downtime.
If you already have a backup solution, that's great news. You recognise the cost implications if your organisation tries operating with missing/bad data. Regardless of whether you backup online, via on-site hard drive or even tape drives – your backup system prevents those costs.
However, restoring from backups is never instantaneous. There's downtime. Depending on a restoration's complexity, this can take minutes through to days. When your entire organisation grinds to a halt due to a stoppage, there are similar cost implications. You employ a replication solution when it's less costly, than the possible downtime costs.
Just like insurance, backup and replication effectively manage risk. They minimise the cost impact of missing data or disruptions, respectively. Hence having both systems in place is the ideal, as utilising both will ensure business continuity.
The cloud makes replication affordable.
Traditionally, the high cost of running parallel sets of hardware and software meant replication was only accessible to large corporates or enterprises. With the advent of cloud services, this has changed. The latest development is a backup service that also creates a virtual replica. It effectively combines both solutions in one.
As organisations migrate to virtual environments, replication can also be done virtually. This is the case, using ICONZ-Webvision's cloud backup service. Replication can simply be enabled, as a part of Virtual Backup. It's now possible to bypass the costs associated with lost data or unforeseen downtime. Find out more about a dual backup and replication solution by calling 0800 843 638.
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