Breaking: Newman resigns from TUANZ
Fri, 13th Aug 2010
FYI, this story is more than a year old
TUANZ Chief Executive Ernie Newman has resigned from his role.
Newman occupied the position since 1999. “It goes without saying that we all owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his tireless efforts over the past 12 years,” said Chairman, Pat O'Connell.
The Minister's recent move to regulate mobile termination rates was “a very important milestone” in Newman's decision to resign from his post.
O'Connell continued, “I know that Ernie saw it as a natural point at which to make his decision to move on, and I respect his wishes. He will finish on a date to be negotiated but probably around the end of September. As to what he plans to do next, I'll let him talk about that in his own way.”