Brocade claims IXP domination
Brocade has said its switching and routing solutions now power the world’s top three largest Internet Exchange Points. According to Brocade, the three largest global IXPs are the Amsterdam Internet Exchange, the Deutscher Commercial Internet Exchange and the London Internet Exchange.
Brocade named video as the main reason why IXPs are experiencing huge growth and has said that accelerated growth of internet traffic constantly places IXP networks under enormous strain.
“As of today, we’ve experienced peak traffic in excess of 850 gigabits per second. Approximately two years ago, our network traffic reached about 450 gigabits per second so you can clearly see the growth in bandwidth demands is absolutely astonishing,” said Henk Steenman, CTO for the Amsterdam Internet Exchange.
Brocade VP, IP Products Ken Cheng has said that the firm is committed to fully powering and scaling Internet Exchange growth. "Brocade's capabilities and enhancements to its performance orientated switches and routers are at the forefront of flexible and scalable solutions to enable Internet Exchanges to meet stringent bandwidth, service level agreement, scalability and efficiency requirements. Our networking solutions provide link aggregation capacity, stability and flexibility to set an industry standard for powerful and efficient scaling of Internet Exchange Point networks."