CallPlus 'likely' to pursue damages from Telecom
Proceedings by CallPlus against Telecom to recover "considerable losses" are likely in light of the Commerce Commission's allegations of discrimination, said CallPlus and Slingshot CEO Mark Callander today.
"The inability of Telecom to provide an equivalent service to competitors is quite simply an act of monopolist behaviour," said Callander.
"Consumers are the ultimate losers".
Callendar said the impact of Telecom's actions has prevented CallPlus from providing voice services to thousands of customers and the company will be looking to recover "the considerable losses that have resulted from Telecom's actions."
His comments come on the back of allegations, earlier today, by the Commerce Commission that Telecom has failed to meet its obligations under the separation undertakings of the amended Telecommunications Act, therefore stifling competition and discriminating against its competitors.