Chorus halfway with 1800 cabinets
Chorus has reached halfway in its Fibre to the Nodeprogramme and will switch on its 1800th cabinet today, the company hasannounced.
In a press release Chorus CEO Mark Ratcliffe says ithas laid 1500km of fibre and connected 340,000 customers to its cabinets. Thisenables more consumers to take advantage of faster speeds delivered over the coppernetwork by both Telecom and its competitors.
“More than 50% of customers connected to our cabinets arewithin 500m and 90% are within 1km, so the platform we’re building will helpmake the most of these advances. Service providers are deploying new VDSL2broadband equipment which can generally double broadband speeds again for customerswithin 1km,” Ratcliffe says.
“More than 50% of customers connected to our cabinets arewithin 50m and 90% are within 1km, so the platform we’re building will helpmake the most of these advances.” Photo: Chorus spokesperson Robin Kelly beside a cabinet deployed in Grey Lynn, Auckland.