Commerce Commission not ready to rule on copper loop
The Commerce Commission has extended the schedule for re-benchmarking the price of the Unbundled Copper Local Loop (UCLL) service, although no change is expected for the date the changes will come into effect.
Telecommunications Commissioner Dr Ross Patterson announced this morning that the Commission will undertake a further round of discussion before making a final decision on the pricing.
The first stage in the process will be the release of a further discussion paper, set to happen in July. Submissions on this document will be due in August, and a conference will be held in September.
All going smoothly, this process will allow for a final decision before November 30, meaning the decision can be put into effect on the scheduled date of December 1.
"The further discussion paper will provide clarification for submitters on the relationship between the different copper based services,” Patterson says.
"This discussion paper will provide an input into the rescheduled conference.”