Councilman launches Bluetooth billboard
In an effort to pull in some last minute votes during the final month of his campaign, Auckland Council candidate Rob Thomas will launch a Bluetooth billboard on Ponsonby Road that talks back.
"Bluetooth is an emerging technology and it's wonderful being able to trial this technology on my campaign," says Rob.
According to Thomas' office, if you’re standing near the billboard and your bluetooth device is switched on, you can choose to receive a campaign message from Thomas.
There’s no word on what the message will say, but you’ve got to think that it’ll be along the lines of ‘please vote for me’.
"Using new technology has been a key component of my campaign, but nothing beats meeting people face-to-face,” Thomas says.
If you’re in the area, you can check out the billboard launch on Wednesday September 1st at 8pm at Chapel Bar on Ponsonby Road.