Digital transformation drives demand for tech professionals across NZ
A focus on customer experience is driving significant demand for technology, transformation, product management and digital marketing professionals across New Zealand, according to Talent's 2019 Salary Guide.
The guide highlights how digital transformation projects across the private and public sector are driving demand throughout the country, creating a candidate-short market.
According to Talent Auckland General Manager, Kara Smith, corporates are fighting for market share with competitive and innovative offerings from start-ups and innovation hubs.
"The customer experience is at the forefront of many business leaders' minds, which is driving an increase in demand for certain skills. At present there is high demand for people with Agile skills from organization's going through transformational change – PM's, BA's, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches and Facilitators," Smith said.
"On the web development front there is still a strong demand for full stack candidates, however with a shift toward mobile apps, there has been an increase in demand for IOS and Android developers. We are also starting to see a big drive for UX/UI designers to work alongside these developers.
Despite the government's recent attempts to cut back contractor spending, demand for short-term workers continues to be strong and job-seekers are very much in the driving seat when it comes to dictating the terms of their employment.
According to Talent NZ Country Manager, Bianca Jones, employers are now adopting flexible working conditions, as candidates seek work-life balance, a culture of flexibility and interesting projects that will enhance their skills.
"A good employer will ensure they provide suitable training and development for their top candidates – not just from a technical perspective but also from a soft skill perspective. Topics such as career planning and goal setting as well as assertiveness and negotiation are high in demand. IT employees need soft skills to be able to interact with customers and vendors, to manage teams and to also convey their ideas to others," Jones said.
Market highlights:
- In the past six months, Auckland has seen continued growth and confidence within the employment market. There has been a noticeable increase in organisations looking for soft skills, whether that be mentoring, collaboration or contributing to innovation, for example. The common theme among these traits is advanced communication skills. Perhaps due to this, we are finding interview processes getting longer with more stages introduced and more stakeholders involved.
- The shortage of technology professionals is evident in Wellington, with digital skill sets in high demand. This includes UX/UI developers and designers, project managers and business analysts. Wellington is a competitive market, in which skilled candidates are highly desired - recruiters and employers need to adapt their strategies to attract and retain the best talent.