Does the NZ ICT sector pay twice the national average?
New Zealand ICT workers are being paid twice the national average as the sector enjoys strong employment growth.
That's the verdict of an in-depth ICT report released by the government today, which notes a rising investment in the sector through out the country.
Combined with the "rapidly increasing exports of computer and information services", the government claims Kiwi workers are enjoying as much as double in wages/salaries compared to other industries.
Titled 'The ICT Report', the findings were revealed by Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce and Communications and Information Technology Minister Amy Adams, with the pair claiming an increasing demand for ICT skills across the economy.
Adams says the report shows that ICT is driving innovation and change in the structure of the New Zealand economy – particularly in jobs, skills and growth.
“Digital technologies are revolutionising business in every area, and some outstanding New Zealand companies are leading the way,” she says, commenting on the first of seven government sector reports.
Adding to Adams' comments, Joyce says the report shows that change is occurring in New Zealand's economy with the emergence of sectors such as information technology, claiming the ICT industry contributes 5% of the country's GDP.
“The report also notes the 60 specific initiatives the Government is implementing under its Business Growth Agenda to help ICT businesses and exporters expand internationally,” Joyce adds
“Government initiatives include the establishment of Callaghan Innovation, improvements to business R&D grants and expanded co-funding, the roll out of ultra-fast broadband to 75% of New Zealanders by 2019, and our increased investment in science and engineering places at our tertiary institutions.
“A big issue for ICT companies is attracting enough highly-skilled graduates.
"Latest figures from the TEC show that the number of EFTS places at degree level in New Zealand has grown by 22% over the last two years, and the number of degree graduates with IT specialties is predicted to increase from 1200 in 2011 to between 1600 and 1900 annually by 2014.
"That sort of growth will need to continue in the years ahead.”
Other notable highlights include the rising investment within the sector, with four times as many ICT firms investing in Research and Development than the average for all markets.
To read the ICT Report, click here
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