Enable unveils new Christchurch school fibre broadband plans
Plans to have 33 more Christchurch schools connected to fibre broadband have been unveiled by network provider Enable.
By 31 December 2015, Enable plans to have all schools in its coverage area with access to fibre broadband services.
“Delivering the benefits of fibre broadband in schools has been a significant focus of Enable since the business was first established in 2007,” Steve Fuller, Enable CEO, says.
“Being able to announce our plans to make fibre broadband services available to 33 more schools is a very positive milestone.”
Enable’s fibre broadband roll-out programme across Christchurch and a number of towns in the Waimakariri and Selwyn districts is now at the end of its third year.
The significant focus on schools brings the total number of schools that can access Enable’s services to 113.
Schools are receiving communications from Enable on when the services will be available to them. This information assists the schools in their decisions involving whether to invest to short-term alternative connectivity solutions.
“We know that getting access to fibre broadband is vitally important to schools and wanted to ensure that we provided as much information as we could to schools about when services would be available,” Fuller says.