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EsseVault expands into professional services with EssePro platform

Fri, 14th Jun 2024

EsseVault, a New Zealand startup known for its digital life management solutions, is expanding its services to the professional services sector. The company's new offering, EssePro, is a customer interaction platform tailored for businesses such as law firms and insurance companies. This move represents a significant development in EsseVault's product portfolio.

EssePro aims to transform the way businesses handle customer and supplier interactions by streamlining and simplifying these processes. The platform is designed to improve communication and collaboration, thereby reducing the time and effort typically required in managing these interactions. According to EsseVault, this efficiency leads directly to increased business revenue opportunities by fostering stronger relationships and more effective communication with clients and suppliers.

One of the critical features of EssePro is its enhanced database management capabilities. The platform ensures that all relevant information and content are organised and easily accessible, facilitating better decision-making and customer service. In today's data-driven environment, the ability to efficiently manage and retrieve this information is considered vital for any professional services business.

In terms of cybersecurity, a crucial aspect given the increasing incidence of data breaches, EssePro provides advanced measures to safeguard customer and supplier information. The platform employs robust security protocols to ensure that crucial documents and data are stored and shared securely. This feature is particularly beneficial for sectors that handle sensitive information, such as legal and insurance industries.

Automation features in EssePro further enhance its utility by allowing businesses to set up automatic reminders and communications for their customers. This not only helps generate more business but also streamlines operations, saving both time and resources. Automation is seen as a game-changer for businesses looking to maximise their operational efficiency.

EssePro also offers powerful reporting tools that provide businesses with valuable insights into their interactions and operations. These insights can be leveraged to improve strategies, optimise performance, and ultimately achieve better outcomes. The ability to gather and analyse data in such a manner is increasingly becoming a critical component of modern business practices.

Adding to its offerings, EsseVault is integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into EssePro. This development is part of the company's product roadmap and aims to enhance its automation features. With AI, the platform can predict customer needs, automate routine tasks, and personalise interactions based on data-driven insights. The integration of AI ensures that the platform remains at the cutting edge of technological advancements.

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