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Exclusive: How Versent sees the virtualization market changing

Tue, 28th May 2024

In a rapidly changing technological landscape, the virtualization market is experiencing significant disruptions, primarily due to Broadcom's recent acquisition of VMware. This shift has introduced new challenges and opportunities for businesses, as explained by Justyn Green, Cloud Practice Lead at Versent, in an exclusive interview.

"Broadcom's purchase of VMware has been quite disruptive," Green stated. "VMware has been a primary player in virtualization technology for the last 10 to 20 years. The acquisition has led to a review of the product suite and changes in licensing, resulting in higher prices and significant bill shocks for customers."

The increased licensing costs have caught many enterprises off guard, leading them to explore alternative solutions for their virtualization needs. This situation is further exacerbated by the global economic climate, where businesses are tightening their budgets and facing a widening skills gap.

"Not all enterprises are prepared for such a large price increase," Green noted. "This disruption is significant because it involves people, processes, and technology. It adds fuel to the fire, making it a challenging situation to navigate."

The risks for organizations that fail to address these challenges are substantial. Green warned of potential budget constraints and the pressure to make hasty decisions. "If they fail to address the upcoming renewals or the changes VMware is experiencing, they'll face budget constraint problems. The risk is that they'll run out of time or be forced to pay the higher prices, which could have a huge impact on their budgets and other business initiatives."

Despite these challenges, Versent views the current situation as an opportunity for businesses to modernize and gain executive buy-in for change. "It's a moment of challenge, but also a catalyst for modernization," Green explained. "We're offering tailored virtualization discoveries to help customers quickly understand their assets and make informed decisions."

Versent's approach involves conducting affordable and rapid discovery processes to give customers a clear view of their current assets. This enables businesses to make decisions on whether to migrate to the cloud, switch to another virtualization platform, or optimize their existing VMware usage.

Green emphasized the importance of visibility in navigating these changes. "Knowing what you have today is crucial. This allows you to make informed decisions, whether you choose to stay with VMware or explore other options."

Versent's expertise in migration and modernization is backed by a decade of experience and a strong track record of successful projects. "We have seasoned professionals with deep expertise in various domains, including Windows, Linux, SQL, and Oracle," Green said. "Our team provides a safe pair of hands for customers, ensuring minimal disruption during transitions."

Reflecting on past industry shifts, Green drew a parallel with the introduction of 64-bit operating systems. "Initially, there was resistance to the change, but it eventually led to widespread adoption and advancements. I see the current virtualization landscape undergoing a similar major shift."

Looking ahead, Green anticipates that hybrid cloud services will become more prevalent. "Gartner's report suggests that hybrid cloud is here to stay for the next five years. The idea of going fully cloud is a bit of a pipe dream. The future will see a blend of on-premises and cloud solutions, each used for their specific benefits."

Versent is preparing to support customers through this transition by building out comprehensive offerings in various domains. "We aim to be holistic in our approach, ensuring customers operate efficiently across all platforms. Our goal is to help them achieve a balanced and optimal state of operation," Green concluded.

By turning challenges into opportunities, Versent is poised to help organizations stay ahead of the curve and thrive in an evolving technological landscape.

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