Government releases broadband map
The Government has launched an online map tool that enables Kiwis and businesses to find the best broadband connectivity options available in their area.
"Access to fast speed internet is a critical enabler for the economy," says Amy Adams, Minister of Communications. "Kiwis are now looking to have access to information anywhere, anytime and anyhow.
"Our UFB and RBI programmes are charging ahead and this map gives New Zealanders a one-stop shop where they can go to find out what services are available to them at their address and how they can connect.
Adams says the National Broadband Map will also display when ultra-fast broadband or rural broadband coverage would be going to a particular area. A connection into each premise can then be requested from a retail service provider.
The broadband map has been provided by the NZRS, the service delivery subsidiary of InternetNZ.
"NZRS has worked closely with service providers around the country to source the most comprehensive data set of broadband coverage in New Zealand," explains Adams.
"They've also committed to keeping the data on the broadband map current and are continuing to work with network operators to close any information gaps that still exist.
This website does not have 100% coverage of internet availability, according to the National Broadband Map website. It says a small number of companies have not provided their data and so there are 'no guarantees'.
"We continue to aim for 100% and welcome any provider of copper, fibre, mobile or wireless infrastructure to contact us," the website explains. "Furthermore, the data provided may not be 100% accurate as local conditions can often affect both availability and speed.