Head of Telecom Wholesale resigns
Telecom has announced that Matt Crockett, CEO of TelecomWholesale and International, has resigned after seven years with the company.
In a statement Crockett says: “I’vehad seven great, rewarding, intense years with Telecom and after much soulsearching I have decided the time has come for me to move on. I am very proudof what the Wholesale team has achieved over the last four years. We have notonly substantially improved the performance, capability and reputation ofWholesale, we have worked with our industry colleagues to fundamentally changethe way in which the industry operates to, I believe, the real benefit of NewZealand.”
Crockett will leave Telecom at theend of June. A spokesperson says that he has not announced his plans, howeverit’s understood Crockett will be taking an “extended break”.
A key member of Telecom’sexecutive team Crockett, along with Chorus CEO Mark Ratcliffe, are among the few seniorexecutives to have made the transition from Theresa Gattung’s executive to PaulReynold’s team.
In addition to spearheading the formation of Telecom Wholesale,Crockett was Telecom’s representative on the board of the Southern Cross Cableas head of Telecom International.
He has participated in a number ofindustry forums, and has served on the board of the Telecommunications CarriersForum and the more recently formed Telecommunications Industry Group.
A former Rhodes Scholar, Crockettoriginally hails from Western Australia and is married with three children.
Telecom CEO Paul Reynolds praisedCrockett’s contribution to Telecom: “It is characteristic of Matt to make theclean break whilst on top, having delivered so much for Telecom. I am sure hewill do equally well in whichever field he and his family choose next. I wouldlike to thank him for his great support.”
Crockett is the second member of the TelecomExecutive to resign this year, with Chief Transformation Officer Frank Mountresigning in February following the four XT network outages.