Introducing the New Zealand Excellence in IT Awards...
ITx 2014 has unveiled the new Excellence in IT Awards, a sector-wide awards programme focusing on recognising those individuals and teams that have truly excelled in our sector.
The Excellence in IT Awards will sit alongside other awards programmes in the sector but fill a much-needed gap in recognising individual excellence across software and IT.
The Excellence Awards categories will be announced shortly and the awards are a collaboration of half a dozen IT industry representative bodies - a truly sector-wide celebration.
The inaugural Excellence in IT Awards will take place as part of ITx, on the night of Friday 10th October 2014.
What is ITx?
Established in 2014, ITx is three conferences in one; combining the successful IITP and CITRENZ national conferences with the re-launch of the Computer Science Association's conference; establishing the broadest and largest non-vendor general IT conference in New Zealand.
ITx focuses on innovation, technology and education and brings IT professionals, decision-makers, leaders and academics together under one roof. This is a conference like no other: where industry, academia and government come together to network, learn and engage.
ITx will run every second year in either Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch.
You can find out more at www.iitp.org.nz/awards