IT industry backs Python conference
Fri, 24th Sep 2010
FYI, this story is more than a year old
The event draws support from Catalyst IT and Microsoft as major sponsors as well as the Python Software Foundation, Plone Foundation, Atlassian, Enthought, Tait Radio Communications, Apress, Packt Publishing, O'Reilly, ThinkGeek, Amazon Web Services, Wingware, ANZTB, Mozilla and ActiveState.
Organised by the New Zealand Python User Group (NZPUG), the event will bring together developers, designers and business people.
Topics up for discussion include:
- How Python is influencing neuroscience research
- Microsoft (Australia) showing how they support Python on their
- Azure platform
- Amazon web service
- Gmail gadgets
- Going Global : Using Best Effort Translation To Create Multilingual Web Apps
- Python and Java
- Python in Astronomy
Registration for the event is now open.