Labour praises 'sensible' final copper pricing delay...
The Commerce Commission has made a sensible decision to take more time to determine the final pricing for copper-based broadband.
That's the view of Labour’s ICT spokesperson Clare Curran, who says the opposition party supports the regulator’s process and its willingness to seek further industry input along the way.
“Getting the copper price settings right for Kiwi consumers and for the long term good of the broadband industry is one of the most critical tasks faced by the Commerce Commission this year," she says.
“Telco retailers had expressed serious concerns about their ability to engage effectively on the technical complexities of the final copper pricing if consultation was confined to the period after a draft determination.
“We hope that all industry players, including Chorus, are committed to getting this process right.
“Politicians might not always agree with the Commission’s decisions, but we should trust the regulator to get on with it."