Last Auckland ICT event of 2010 detailed
Mon, 15th Nov 2010
FYI, this story is more than a year old
The last Auckland ICT event of 2010 is fast approaching and will feature five one-minute presentations by Auckland ICT members and a Trans-Tasman update.
The event will be held at Massey University, Albany Campus, North Shore and will start at 5pm, Thursday November 25th.
Organisers say this is the last formal networking event of 2010 and “one not to be missed”.
Event Details
- 5.00pm Registration, drinks & finger food
- 5.45 pm Welcome
- 5.50pm Five one-minute presentations by Auckland ICT members
- 6.00pm Presentation by Luigi Cappel
- 6.25pm Break-out Groups
- 6.35pm Report back from each Group
- 6.40pm TechNZ Voucher Scheme, Dorian Scott
- 6.450pm Path to Market ICT Australia 2011
- Trans-Tasman update & DVD of one Gold Coast company
- 7.00pm Member prize draw and further networking
- 7.30pm Finish