Maxnet added to TrueNet speed test - Updated
Recently-sold ISP Maxnet has had mixed results in its first month being tested by internet speed analysis company TrueNet.
For browsing performance, the company achieved a solid result, loading a test webpage in less than 0.5 seconds. Only Telecom, Vodafone, and TelstraClear Cable were ahead of this result, while TelstraClear DSL was slightly behind and others like Slingshot and Orcon were well off the pace.
In comparison to the company’s advertised speed, though, Maxnet was shaky, dropping below 85% of its target at around 2:00 in the afternoon and again at around 9:00 in the evening.
TelstraClear DSL and Orcon also suffered big drops at peak times, as did Slingshot to a lesser extent. TesltraClear Cable dropped as well, but only from 120% of its advertised speed to just over 100%.
Go here to see the full results.
Update: Maxnet internet services & marketing lead Andrew Schick says the company’s performance in the TrueNet speed test shows the company is ‘growing in relevance rather than shrinking away’.
"Coming in at number three after launching both our unlimited service and our Fyx service is awesome,” Schick says.
"To run a network with an unlimited plan on it and still fare this well on TrueNet speaks to your technical ability and careful planning.”
Asked about the dips in performance at peak times in comparison to advertised speed, Schick says internal testing had previously identified this problem, and changes have been made which should start to show in the next few months.
"We did a first round of migration of our heavy users on Monday of this week, and we can see quite clearly on our internal graphs that it’s made a difference.
"We’ll do probably two or three more rounds of shifting and migration and we’d expect that to iron it out.”