NZ Hi-Tech Awards announce star judge
Organisers have confirmed that Gary Hamel, “recently ranked as the world's most influential business thinker by The Wall Street Journal”, will join Michael Dell and Howard Charney as international judges for the 2011 NZ Hi-Tech Awards.
They will also be joined by a line up of high-profile business leaders including: Andy Lark, Katherine Corich, Nick Lambert, Patrick Kenealy, Don Tennant, Richard Mander, Richard Keyse and Vernon Turner.
The awards will be also be judged by a group of local judges.
Wayne Norrie, Chairman of the Hi-Tech Trust, said, “Any business awards internationally would be lucky to have such a line up. We are ecstatic to have Michael Dell and Howard Charney on board again and having a world class business guru like Gary Hamel join our judging panel is really exciting.
Entries for the 2011 NZ Hi-Tech Awards close on March 7th.