Oxygen IT signs up 30 resellers for the cloud
Oxygen IT has signed deals with some 30 IT resellers that will see it run certain clients through its hosted cloud solutions.
The resellers will use a range of hosted services for their own clients:
Mail Marshal SPE (Service Provider Edition)Oxygen IT is a partner to Marshal86 and now offers mail filtering software for resellers to brand and resell to their customers. Marshal86 has said Oxygen IT is the first in the South Island to rollout the SPE version of Mail Marshal.
Citrix CSP provisions and support (Citrix Service Provider)Oxygen IT is a partner to Citrix and currently supports close to 250 accounts on its hosted network. The firm resells this service and expects it to be the fastest growing trend as the new CSP pricing becomes more affordable to end users.
Online BackupsOxygen IT can now implement its own DSL connection (through selected telco providers) to the end user and this links back to its data center. Data traffic can now be sent back for free allowing online backups to be sold to end users with significant margins for resellers. All the end user pays for is their DSL connection fee and the backup service.
Zimbra Email Collaboration suiteThe firm says that as the ability to do more business remotely increases its partners are looking to use Zimbra for their clients as a Microsoft Exchange replacement.
Hosted Basic Website and Email accountsOxygen has a reseller rate card for this and expects demand to grow.
Stace Hema, Managing Director, says that business has been good since starting its Oxynet.co.nz business, “We are becoming a major power in provisioning cloud solutions for our own customers as well as our resellers that cannot afford to enter this space directly.”
Oxygen IT is presenting its SMB clients with an option of replacing or selling them a server verses hosting.
“80% of them are now choosing the hosted option,” Hema said. “When positives and negatives are weighed up the business owners or CIOs are selecting this option because it gives them comfort in finally being able to forecast some really accurate IT budgets for their year.”