Print management key to helping IT department
Establishing an integrated print management solution can go a long way with helping struggling IT departments, according to Y Soft.
"Often considered the backbone of an organisation, the IT department has a number of hurdles to overcome in managing an organisation's print services. From supporting employees and mobile devices, to managing security and changes within the print services environment, the amount of resources needed has traditionally been high," explains Andy Lau, regional sales manager, Singapore, Y Soft.
Lau says finding ways to increase efficiency and productivity while adding value and cutting costs is a constant challenge for an IT team.
"By using an integrated print management and document capture solution with seamless interoperability, IT teams can become more efficient and their time and knowledge can be spent adding value elsewhere," says Lau.
Y Soft has identified four ways integrated print management and document management can help IT:
1. Simplify complexity. By using one platform, one interface, and one contract for both print management and document capture, the tasks for the IT team are minimised. Managing users and devices lets the IT team be productive and efficient. Cloud infrastructure or partial cloud/partial on-premise for print services also provides the additional advantage of relieving IT infrastructure overhead and resources that can be applied to other high-value projects.
2. Break down silos. With a platform approach for print services, organisations can centralise print and document capture, and break down silos. This lets IT teams easily set up pre-defined workflows across the multifunction (MFD) device fleet, as opposed to having to implement the same workflow multiple times for each MFD. By using a centralised system, administrators can replicate a workflow or print governance across multiple MFDs all at once.
3. Report and monitor. Centralised fact-based reports let the IT team save time by easily monitoring usage as well as troubleshooting issues as they arise. Reports can be accessed by authorised individuals or groups, so the IT team doesn't have to spend time managing statistics and usage. Reports can also be automatically sent to management or department heads.
4. Reduce helpdesk tickets. Managing print-related help desk requests can be very time consuming. However, by reducing the quantity of tickets raised, IT staff will be able to spend time on other elements of their role. The number of help desk tickets can be significantly reduced because IT no longer needs to assist employees with access to any printer or with printing from their mobile devices. Additionally, IT does not need to step in to help guests when they need to print.
"Often, IT teams can be largely focused on maintaining an organisation's current IT technology and IT tickets," Lau says.
"Organisations should implement a print and scan solution that will free up IT team's time and resources to focus on other high-value projects while ensuring that the organisation is still secure, efficient and productive.