Reminder: Next Auckland ICT event on 16th June
Sat, 11th Jun 2011
FYI, this story is more than a year old
If you are in Auckland on 16th June, head over to the Auckland ICT event. This month’s networking event has two speakers and a new venue.
Speaker One
Dr Sue Watson, CEO of Kea will be explaining her Kiwi expat network, how they are engaging with members and their launch of business services.
Speaker Two
Friend of TechDay, Jenny Willmshurst of TweetTwins will be presenting a session on "How effective is your social media activity?". Covering tools to monitor your conversations, your ROI and best practices.
Registration is 5pm for a 5:45pm start. Things will be wrapped up by 7:30pm.
Generator, 28 Customs Street East, Auckland 1010
$15 for members and $25 for non-members
More info available from here.