SaaS sector in NZ thriving as a result of trans -Tasman partnerships
New Zealand's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) sector is on track to be the biggest contributor to GDP, generating more than NZD$20 billion for the New Zealand economy. According to Microsoft, success in this area comes from a solid trans-Tasman partnership.
In new insights provided in a recent Microsoft NZ blog, ANZ managing director Steven Worrall highlighted during his speech at a special New Zealand SaaS providers event that working together will ensure a prosperous future.
He also commented on the decision to bring Microsoft Australia and New Zealand together as a distinct global region and how this was a successful move because it focused on shared goals.
Worrall also said that he sees Australia and New Zealand's collaboration helping more of the company's partners, allowing them to come together to serve a common customer base and open doors to new opportunities in the market for New Zealand companies.
The blog continued to say that Microsoft is currently working to provide more pathways to growth internationally for New Zealand SaaS partners through the Scaling SaaS Exports Initiative, helping make the most of massive demands.
They say this is a win-win for the whole region as Kiwis export their innovation to help businesses across ANZ. Programmes such as Founders Hub and the #10KWhine building innovation were also commended for helping address skills shortages here in Aotearoa.
"Growing the pie here at home creates stronger foundations for New Zealand to take on the world."
New Zealand investor Serge Van Dam also gave a speech at the event about the amount of work that is still to be done in order to scale business operations.
He said that while the Kiwi SaaS environment is heavily diversified, choosing the right partners is integral to growth and success. He remarked that partnerships need to work for both parties and enable mutual growth, as they are often frequently lopsided.
Serge also said that many SaaS business owners end up exiting from the business because they haven't focused sufficiently on their own and their company's leadership skills. It is believed that there needs to be a significant human focus involved in these processes.
"As the demand for SaaS capabilities increases, it's crucial that understanding of its career opportunities does as well," the blog stated.
Serge encouraged more companies to join the KiwiSaaS community, which he says will create a stronger voice for the industry.
"That's the real lesson for us all. As a partner with the KiwiSaaS community, we are focused on bringing our community together, delivering practical support that accelerates our collective SaaS growth journey and helping local SaaS providers reach new heights," the blog finished.