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Seven strategies for doing business in a post-digital world
Mon, 17th Sep 2018
FYI, this story is more than a year old

You've done the digital transformation project. Now what? Many organisations are shifting their mode of operation, becoming more tech-oriented and using technology not only to replace an existing service but to transform service into something significantly better.

The digital transformation journey companies are currently undertaking is strengthening digital solutions to corporate challenges, changing business processes and ultimately ensuring a shift from digital disruption to continual innovation is ongoing.

Here are a few ways businesses can still change with the times, outlast their competitors, and assure overall customer satisfaction.

Move towards continuous improvement 

Whilst change must happen at entry level, business managers and leaders will be the driving force behind innovation and implementation of better solutions. Moreover, they should embrace the changes and set the best possible example in order to reach the full potential.  Interestingly, a Gartner survey with 460 executives revealed 62% of them had a management initiative or transformation program to make their business more digital.

As traditional forms of operating diminish in the favour of digital operations it's important to recognise that digital transformation requires finding ways to stay current, adopt new technology and applications and predict better outcomes to essentially be ready for the next opportunity when it arrives.

Create better experiences 

One of the ways businesses can keep up with customer demand is by creating a better customer experience, which can be done by the introduction of digital products, applications and solutions.

A move towards less-complex or even invisible interfaces that do not distract but help customers to focus will become more in demand. What's more as customers are given a sense of empowerment through the use of a particular product, that product becomes a part of their lifestyle.

Focus on simpler solutions 

Using one of the oldest tricks in the book; it's all about keeping it simple. Utilising invisible interfaces enables people to have such experiences and enjoy the benefits without feeling overwhelmed and distracted.

Nowadays, businesses who are making things as efficient as possible for people are reveling in success as many people don't have the time or energy to understand how something works.

Digital fluency 

Digital fluency is becoming a core element within businesses as they navigate their way through this new digital environment. Those in business who are digitally literate are more aware of how to use digital technologies and can clearly articulate their reasons for adopting particular technology to achieve a set outcome. Usually they have invested in their learning and are able to recognise how to use technology efficiently and recognise valued people on the team that are best to invest in growth.

During ISACA's Digital Transformation Barometer research, they identified only about half of the professionals surveyed thought their leadership was digitally literate. The other half doubted the fluency of their management in digital understanding.

"The resounding message from our research is clear: senior leadership needs to invest in increasing its digital fluency. Organisations with digitally fluent leadership are more clearly recognising the benefits and risks of emerging technologies," said ISACA CEO Matt Loeb.

Usability and reconfigurability

Customer loyalty stems from a renewed sense of security and consistent innovative products, giving the customer an experience that they don't find anywhere else. When customers are able to speak from good experience of a brand, the authenticity will strengthen the loyalty of others who want the same experience.

Using real time data to support business models alongside AI machine learning can further aid reliable, speedy results and produce superior customer encounters.

Build relationships and strengthen team efforts 

The digital transformation can only be truly successful if all members of a team understand and comprehend the importance of innovations. Managers have a duty to acknowledge their strongest team members and collaborate more with entry level. It is easy to become too involved in the tech details and forget that a lot of corporation's success depends on connections.

Overcoming the ever-changing nature of the multi-generational and cross cultural modern day workplace can be a challenge however this can be overcome with leaders at the helm that are increasing communication skills, encouraging a moving workflow and embracing new technology.

Remember that change is the only constant 

No matter the size of the company, digital transformation and innovation is essential and is on the rise within many industries. Adjusting to a customer's changing needs and providing them with digital products, services or improving on current systems is real business innovation.

The rapid rate of technology consummation has caused this disruption in the business world, forcing managers and CEOs to examine how the operations in an organisation are being carried out.

Some of the key questions to ask might be: · Are we really achieving the most essential goals? · Are we delivering value to our customers? · Are we creating products that cater to the needs of the new digital market?

With data at the heart of making strategic decisions in business, encouraging greater operational transparency and a culture of superior teamwork between managers and employees can feel empowered to suggest and drive change.

A continuing focus must be maintained on invisible interfaces, fluency, ultimate usability, reconfigurability and real-time data to support new experimental business models, freeing up our people to innovate and build relationships, get closer to the customer, collaborate with freedom in the ecosystem, and create shared value.