Spark removes data caps on wireless broadband
Spark New Zealand has removed data caps on its Unplan Metro, giving almost a third of addresses across the country access to an uncapped wireless broadband plan free of charge.
Following years of sustained investment in network capacity and a strong performance during COVID-19, where wireless broadband traffic nearly doubled, Spark will be progressively rolling out uncapped wireless broadband for customers as capacity becomes available over the next three years.
Data caps on Unplan Metro, which previously limited customers to 600GB per month, will be removed from 23 September. Available across the country in eligible coverage areas, Unplan Metro offers customers tiered pricing options based on the data they consume, starting at $65 for base data usage of 0-60GB, and up to $85 for anything over 120GB.
Mark Beder, Spark Technology Director, says uncapping wireless broadband is another positive step towards a wireless future.
"New Zealand, like the rest of the world, continues to experience huge growth in the demand for data, which drives a 50% increase in traffic on our network every year," he says.
"Over the last two years we have made a significant investment in our network capacity, adding an additional 212 mobile sites and upgrading more than 700. We have now started our rollout of 5G, which will boost capacity even further.
"We know our customers have been wanting more data since we launched wireless broadband in 2016, and our goal over the next three years is to make uncapped wireless broadband available to as many New Zealanders as possible.
Spark's wireless broadband works by connecting customers to the nearest cell tower, just like a mobile phone does. This removes the need for physical infrastructure, so it can be a good option for customers where fibre isn't available or isn't preferred due to the inconvenience of the installation required.
Wireless broadband is quick and easy to set up – once a customer receives their modem they simply plug it in and they are ready to go in a few minutes. Customers also have the freedom to move the modem around the house to optimise WiFi and signal strength.
Wireless broadband was initially developed for moderate data users who mostly use the internet for emails, web browsing, social media and some streaming, however the uncapped plan means customers with higher data requirements can now consider wireless broadband. A Fair Use Policy will apply.
Existing eligible Spark Wireless Broadband customers based in the Unplan Metro coverage area will have the data caps on Unplan Metro removed automatically, at no extra cost.