Top 25 hottest skills in 2013
As 2013 draws to a close, LinkedIn thought it would be interesting to look back at the year that was and try to answer a simple question: "Who's getting hired and what are they doing?
The business networking website's approach involved analysing the skills and employment history of more than 259 million LinkedIn members' profiles.
Expertise (skills) and experience (work history) represent the primary components of professional identity on LinkedIn.
If the skills you have on your LinkedIn profile fit one of the categories below, there's a good chance that you started a new job or were approached by a recruiter about an open position in the past year.
Top 25 hottest skills that got people hired in 2013:
25. Storage Systems and Management
24. Strategy and Strategic Planning
23. Information Security
22. Software Engineering Management
21. PR and Communications
20. Software QA and User Testing
19. Java Development
18. Middleware and Integration Software
17. C/C++
16. Computer Graphics - Animation
15. Database Management and Software
14. Algorithm Design
13. Web Programming
12. Data Engineering and Data Warehousing
11. Business Intelligence
10. Retail Payment and Information Systems
9. Business Development/Relationship Management
8. Recruiting
7. Digital and Online Marketing
6. User Interface Design
5. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
4. Perl/Python/Ruby
3. Cloud and Distributed Computing
2. Mobile Development
1. Social Media Marketing