WorldxChange rebrands with new logo
In recognition of its renewed focus on the business market,WorldxChange has rebranded with a new logo.
General Manager sales and marketing Mike Purchase says the telcorecently established a direct sales force to complement its dealer channel and soughta “fresher and crisper” image to reflect the change.
“One of the catalysts for change was WorldxChange’s focusedmove into the business market,” says Purchase. “We had won some major accountsover the last few years (in excess of 800 SIP Trunks into IAG for example) andin September 2009 the decision was made to recruit a direct sales force.”
Unlike the high profile rebranding at Telecom, WorldxChangecreated the logo themselves, as Purchase explains: “The great thing is the logowas developed entirely in-house with substantial involvement from Cecil andPaul our two directors. The creative work was carried out by our own full timegraphic designer who is now working on a new website for us.”
There is an online and an offline version of the logo. “One workswell in the traditional paper environments and another, subtly different,version is far more eye-catching in the online world,” says Purchase, who wenton to explain what the new logo means.
“We feel the design properly reflects the global nature ofcommunications while still show-casing how proud we are to be a 100% NewZealand owned business bringing leading edge IP solutions to New Zealanders.The accentuation of New Zealand in proportion to the globe is entirelydeliberate, as is the WxC characters being ‘embraced’ by the world.”