Apply rigour to printing
We are seeing new initiatives emerging constantly in all fields and document management is no different.
The industry is ripe for new working models to increase value, serviceability, reduce cost and headaches.
Just as you search for better models and plans for your mobile phone, so there are significant and emerging trends and ways of better managing documents in your office.
Business priorities include scrutiny of operations to find ways to reduce expenses, boost productivity and efficiency, maximise return on investment and improve profitability.
But there is still a frustrating general lack of awareness around the cost of printing and copying. It’s treated as a utility and rarely subject to the same rigours an organisation would apply to other IT procurements – despite the fact that on average, it represents 15% of total ICT spend.
There are a number of simple measures available that not only boost productivity but deliver significant savings.
Companies which are putting hard copy management higher on the corporate agenda are realising opportunities to cut print costs by as much as 35% (in some cases more).
The rise and rise of Managed Print Services
The need for managed print solutions (MPS) has become more pressing. It provides the structure and tools to control the technology and ensure resources are used appropriately and security is maintained.
IDC predicts MPS will become a feature of the broader APEJ region within the next five years generating revenues of US$1.5 billion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17% by 2016.
To satisfy the needs of this growing market, MPS providers must offer a total solution, which incorporates emerging concepts such as cloud and mobile device integration.
For example, some solutions take a stepped process where usage and processes are audited to ascertain needs and where greater efficiencies can be achieved.
This goes beyond optimisation to actually the capabilities of the fleet by using strategies like document management and document workflow to improve basic business processes.
Achieving this depends on a suitable suite of software solutions which can address the changing needs of the market. For example, there’s Mobile Print, allowing for easy printing to or scanning from the tablet or smartphone.
There is Cloud Connect, providing the ability to print and scan directly from the cloud to your device. Also available are policy management tools to manage and reduce document imaging costs, contributing to a secure and sustainable print strategy.
Analyse and measure for return
Business intelligence analytics are a growing priority. This is a trend across many industries such as banking, finance and professional services.
There are a variety of software solutions available which provide the tools to report, measure and control print related costs. These solutions allow full transparency of print usage, user behaviour and identify where and how efficiencies can be achieved.
Businesses are demanding a faster return on their IT investment dollar than ever before. Forty five percent of respondents to a recent ANZ survey said they demand a return on their IT investment within 12 months.
This, coupled with the need to cater for the demands of new technology like mobile devices and the cloud, make it challenging for organisations to find the best cost/benefit solution.
For example, a Managed Print Solution for courier company TNT was driven by demonstrable total cost of ownership savings that could be achieved within its document management environment.
The result delivered cost savings of around 38%; a large proportion of the saving is achieved through secure release software which eliminates wasted copies. Furthermore, this reduction was realised in under 12 months.
The right MPS is a compelling proposition for organisations wanting to effectively manage their document environments.
Ultimately, done right, MPS will reduce whole of life cost, increase productivity and user satisfaction, improve environmental sustainability and improve business efficiencies.