Gen-i unveiling will squash rumour
The persistent rumour that Gen-i will be sold may finally be put to bed when it launches a new logo on Tuesday – one that is visually aligned to its parent company Telecom.
Gen-i head of brand experience Francesca O’Dwyer says the brand change has been inspired by Telecom’s new logo.
“Our visual identity is a key part of our brand, so we are taking the opportunity as Telecom launches it new marque, to evolve to a fresh new Gen-i logo which retains everything we represent for our clients and people.”
When asked why Gen-i is remaining a separate brand to Telecom, O’Dwyer replied: “This question seems to imply we’re launching a distinct brand to Telecom. However, as you’ll see on Tuesday, our new visual identity is very much aligned to the new Telecom brand.”
Telecom launched its new logo last Friday during a spectacular light show on the facade of the Auckland Ferry Building, see New Telecom logo – CONFIRMED. The launch of the Gen-i logo is likely to be a more low-key affair: “We’re initially providing our people with tools such as new brand guidelines, PowerPoint templates and email signatures. We’ll then gradually replace other materials such as letterhead and business cards as required. We will also begin to make gradual external brand changes next week and the first change will be to our websites.”