We're on the right track with XT - Alcatel Lucent
The independent report into the XT network failures shows thatAlcatel Lucent is now on the right track, says CEO Jyoti Mahukar-Thombre.
“The report provides an independent validation that thesteps we have taken to improve the XT network are the right ones,”Mahukar-Thombre says in a media statement. “We are firmly focused on the performance of XT networktoday, tomorrow and into the future. We want to ensure Telecom and all NewZealanders have access to high quality current and next generation 3G mobile services.”
See: XT Outages explained
Mahukar-Thombre took over as CEO of Alcatel Lucent for NewZealand and Pacific Islands when it’s former CEO Steve Lowe resigned in themidst of the outages. She says that the XT Network is “performing well and inline with other best-practice networks internationally.”
Meanwhile the report has been welcomed by ICT MinisterSteven Joyce who issued a media statement this afternoon noting that theAnalysys Mason report has identified problems with the design, planning andoperation of the XT Network.
“I will bereviewing closely the results of investigations into recent network outages toassess whether any further action is required to protect the integrity of theemergency calling system. Beyondthat, it’s obvious that there have been significant issues with the XTnetwork. Telecom’s customers will be pleased to see the company movingquickly to improve the network’s reliability,” says Joyce.
He says thegovernment’s primary focus is on Telecom’s ability to provide a robust 111emergency calling service to its XT customers. The report notes that XT’shandling of 111 calls is aligned to international standards.
TUANZ CEOErnie Newman has also sent out a statement. In it he praises Telecom for itsopen communication in publically releasing the independent report into the XToutages.
“Despiteadmissions that serious errors were made, the Analysys Mason Report on theproblems with Telecom’s XT mobile network and Telecom’s response to it shouldgive users confidence that it is a sound and robust platform for the future,” hesays.
“Analysys Masonhas found that the network was launched too early and with insufficientresources to accommodate the traffic that eventuated. The outcome was a hugedislocation for many customers’ businesses and everyday lives.”